Our reopening plan is not “set in stone” since the status of the Coronavirus pandemic remains fluid and changing. Our primary concern in our reopening plan is the health and well-being of our church family and surrounding community.
Our reopening plan has been prayerfully discussed with our church leadership and thus represents our shared conviction about resuming worship gatherings.
We realize that there is diverse opinion about when and how to reopen. Gatherings, social distancing, wearing masks, etc., have now become divisive and political issues. Our church leadership respects both those who are ready now for reengagement and those who want a more gradual approach. We call for patience and kindness extended to all in this process.
Washington’s Phased Approach now allows for outdoor services of up to 100 individuals while in Phase 1, provided certain requirements are met. Phase 2 counties may have indoor gatherings of 50 or up to 25% of capacity, whichever is less, also contingent upon meeting certain requirements. (Governor updated 5/29/20). Washington State has had a significant impact and nation-wide there are reports of spiritual gatherings becoming COVID-19 “super-spreader” events. Sunset Community Church leadership has decided to wait until Phase 2 is declared in King County before reengaging face-to-face with our congregation.
Regarding a reopening date, we are working towards having our first in-person, indoor worship gathering approximately 2 weeks after Phase 2 is in effect in King County if we have been able to meet the CDC’s recommendations by that point. We are already working on those recommendations.
For specific guidelines and considerations you can download our reopening plan by clicking/tapping here.
For our government required policy click/tap here.